The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life of our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
Getting Started
I did it! I’ve been watching and watching videos of other people painting, trying to figure out what they’re doing and how to create such beautiful art. If I’m honest, I also was watching wishing that I too could make something like that. I wasn’t sure where to start, but I knew that I needed a few things first.
Silicon Mats - Are they worth it?
I start painting a bit before Christmas, so that’s what I asked for, supplies! One of the things I got, actually, 2 of things I got were silicon mats. It was something I asked for. I found one on Amazon and put it in a wish list for my family to get ideas. I got that one for Christmas.
Paint Skins - What they are and what to do with them
In my last post, I talked about how the paint drips off the canvas and makes a puddle while the paint is drying. These puddles usually have really cool designs in them and you wish they were on your painting! I learned that when you peel them up after they dry, they’re called paint skins.